To make a deposit at credit cards slot sites all you need to do is make your way to the Cashier area, enter how much real cash you'd like to deposit and enter your details. It couldn't be much easier to make a credit cards deposit! Slots sites love them for this very reason, and you won't find many online casino sites that don't accept them.
In many cases, you can also use credit cards to make a withdrawal – simply enter how much money you'd like to withdraw, initiate the transfer and the funds will arrive on your card. Unfortunately, because this is just the way it goes when cashing out, withdrawals take a little longer than deposits so don't panic if you don't see the funds register immediately.

One very big advantage? You probably already have at least one credit card in your wallet or purse. As such, you don't need to sign up for any extra accounts or apply for anything like that – you can simply grab your card and, as long as you have an account with online casino sites accepting credit cards, start hitting the slots immediately.
Another is that the top credit card providers offer security and protection to their customers that's pretty much unrivalled. There are all sorts of impressive stories out there about Visa, MasterCard, Amex etc. going above and beyond to recover fraudulently claimed money. You should, however, know that not all credit cards will help to recover, or even approve such transactions in the first place, funds relating to online gambling.
Because credit cards are accepted at virtually all online casino sites, you'll need to find something that can narrow down your choice a little bit. Fortunately, that's something that we can help with! We only promote the best sites that offer credit cards slot machines, accept Canadian players/support CAD and have a great bonus to boot. Just choose any of the sites on this page to get started.
Thanks to the combination of speed and convenience they offer, credit cards are difficult to beat.
Are credit cards a good Canadian payment method?
Absolutely. Thanks to the combination of speed and convenience they offer when enjoying some real cash gaming like hitting the slot machines, credit cards are difficult to beat.
Can I make online slots payments with my card?
Credit cards, slot machines and real money gaming seem to be a perfect fit. Thankfully, most of the online casino and online slots sites out there recognise this and support credit cards as a deposit option.
Are all providers accepted online?
Visa and MasterCard are by far the most common providers used in 2025, both for real cash gaming and for other purchases too, but there's no guarantee that other providers will be accepted too. It varies from site to site, so head to the Banking area of credit cards slot sites if you want to find out whether or not you can use your card.
Will my transfers be fast?
In a word, yes! Larger payments may take a little longer to clear while online casino sites take extra steps to check that you are who you say you are, but deposits made for credit cards slot machines usually clear pretty much immediately.
Are credit cards better than debit cards?
If you don't have a lot of self control, it might be a better idea to stick with a debit card. We'd hate to see anyone racing through their credit limit and getting themselves into debt because they're sure that a win is just around the corner; there's no risk of this with a debit card, which will only let you spend whatever you have in your account.